Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Prospects for sparrows breed open wide and has

Prospects for sparrows breed open wide and has a very good potential for sparrow gacor will always hunted bird lovers to serve as a bird chirping masteran. If you are consistent and can produce benign and sparrow sparrow gacor it is not impossible that the bird has no value it will be expensive bird.
SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYACurrently sparrow chicks lolohan diharga + / - 100rb some have offered more if the bird has been eating his own and tame, new dicetekin kept her finger alone can diharga> 150rb. Especially if the bird will gacor cetekin finger.

The goal is to produce a breed puppies sparrow sparrows sold either benign or after age lolohan want to sing. Because demand sparrow lolohan current flowing but the supply is very minimal even rare in the market.

This is How to Easily Ber Livestock Sparrow

     Prepare glodokan of wood either single hole or parallel

     Stick it on the wall of the house are rarely passed, so that the birds are not afraid to nest there.
     Give food grains near glodokan and on the ground around glodokan earlier.
     Materials cage does not need to prepare because
Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014the sparrows will find your own nature.
     In addition to grain twice a week to give Caterpillars Hongkong special container placed near the bottom so the bird quickly reach glodokan lust.
     With such a system over time will sparrows nesting on glodok you have prepared.
     Do not ever go up or open glodok looks transporting materials sparrow nest there, as this will make birds feel fear for nesting.
     It would be better if also provides a feed sparrows in a special container that has a system of feed-in Firs First Out (FIFO) so you do not bother to give feed every day.
     Having looked nesting sparrow and lay eggs, when the eggs have hatched in erami and around the age of a week or ten days later sparrow chicks taken loose and start your own with a special slurry as the slurry feed canaries.
     Birds had lolohan can you keep yourself or you are selling to the market, since this bird enthusiasts still so much as function as a great pemaster.
     How to care for the birds of the Church, should not show / bring wild sparrow bird faster so tame (in isolation).
     Gacor enthusiasts sparrow is chirping like a bird owner Cendet, Murai Batu Hijau Cucak and Kacer.
  Friends of ornamental chicken huts Bo
Initially I read an article about a sparrow breeding. One way is by providing nest and let the wild sparrow laying and incubating eggs in a nest that we provide (ngarep there is a burger that refused to stop at the nest that we created).

Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Emes ama squash ama luffa (acutangula Luffa, qabiil bocorka-Labuan ama Cucurbitaceae)

Emes ama squash ama luffa (acutangula Luffa, qabiil bocorka-Labuan ama Cucurbitaceae), waa badeecooyin khudradda yaryar. Xeebeedka waxaa badanaa laga sameeyaa in dayrka ama qaybo ka mid ah beeraha in lama isticmaalo dalagyo kale. Gambas goostay marka midhaha waa dhallinyarada iyo kaymo, sida khudradda ah. Gambas ama squash ama Emes weli sekerabat leh belustru (aegyptica Luffa).
Poker757.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia Dhirta Kuwaas waxaa ka mid ah Cucurbitaceae qoyska, asal ahaan kasoo jeeda Hindiya, laakiin waxa uu ku habboon iyo sidoo kale in Southeast Asia, oo ay ku jiraan Indonesia. Qaybta la cuni karo ee warshadda waa miro yar yar, isticmaalada kale oo ka mid ah fiber dhagax badeed ubax (gudaha midhaha jir) waxaa loo isticmaalaa fiber, caleemo waxaa loo isticmaalaa in lalab ama sidoo kale waxaa loo isticmaali karaa si loo daaweeyo dhibaatada sanboorka.
Terms KoraayaDhirta Squash kuxidhanyahay sannadlaha ah ee uu korayo gubo, Highland, waxaa lagu beeray karaa beeraha ama in beeraha. Dhirta waxa ka mid ah a warshad fuulitaanka / canabka ah. Dhirta Squash u baahan tahay cimilada qalalan, helitaanka biyo ku filan oo dhan xilli ciyaareedkan. Jawi fiican ee sii kordhaya dhirta squash yihiin aag leh heerkul ah 18-24 ° C iyo 50-60% qoyaan.Dhirta Squash dulqaad of noocyada ciidda kala duwan, ku dhowaad dhammaan noocyada ciidda beeray ciyaarta squash. Si aad u hesho natiijooyinka aan fiicnayn, dhirta, kuwaas oo u baahan ciidda in uu yahay bacrin ah, friable, dad badan oo ka kooban humus, beraerasi oo si fiican waadna heensatay, iyo leedahay pH ah 5.5 si 6.8. Wareegtadaan ayaa ugu fiican in beerista of squash waa nooc ka mid ah dhoobo bacaadka ah, tusaale ahaan ciid latosol, Saciid Max, cas iyo podzolic huruud ah (FMD).

SayaPoker.com Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Online Terpercaya Indonesia NoocyoThe kala duwan lagu taliyey yihiin San-C, Ping-Ann, Miriam, san-C Maya. 2 (asal ahaan waxaad ogaataan in Seed, Taiwan), iyo Samsoon. Shuruud Seed hektar halkii u dhaxeysa 5-10 kg.
Seed MakingSi aad u soo saaraan abuur isu waxaa la samayn karaa leh goosashada squash ku saabsan 110 maalmood ka dib beero (iyay) waxa lagu gartaa midhaha oo la midab leh miraha brown, qallalan, iyo madow. Miro waxaa crosswise gooyaa, miraha laga saaray, ku duudduubtay oo warqad oo la engejiyey ilaa 8% content qoyaan. Seeds kaydiyaa ubbo xidhay oo la buuxiyey desiccant sida dhuxusha ama arabikhi ash.
YihinOyong faafin by abuur. Abuurka Squash lagu dhex beeray karo si toos ah ayuu duurka ku isticmaalaya madaxgashiyada ama trellis a for canabkiinna fuusho meel. Haddii faafinta diyaar u ahayn iyo sahayda yar ee abuurkiisa, ayaa farcankaaga loogu marka hore lagu beeray karaa iyadoo la isticmaalayo bac balaastig ah madow ballaciisu yahay 5 cm buuxsamay 2 miraha / bac. Dhexdhexaad ah loo isticmaaley seeding qaab digada warbaahin
ituDomino.com JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA ta isku qasan oo ciid at cabirku yahay 1:1. Seeds loo gudbin karaa oo duurka u jir ah oo 15-21 maalmood ama ka dib markii 3-5 qaybood caleen.

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Daraasaddu waxay on dabeecadaha dhulal-qarin

 Daraasaddu waxay on dabeecadaha dhulal-qarin ee Cocao saliid oo timir ah ayaa laga fuliyey iyada oo u arko profile ciida iyo Sulfic Typic Sulfaquent SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA  Endoaquept ee South Sumatra. The labaad farqiga ugu weyn waa qoto dheer ee lakabka nooca ciidda pyrite ah. Typic Sulfaquent leeyihiin daaha pyrite at qoto dheer ah oo ku saabsan 50 cm dhulka, halka dhulka ku Sulfic Endoaquepts leeyahay si qoto dheer ah oo ku saabsan 100 cm pyrite. Koritaanka iyo wax soo saarka beeraha saliid oo timir ah guud ahaan soo raynayo leh meel isgoys ah ee lakabka ciida dusha of pyrite ah. Guud ahaan, koritaanka dhirta iyo wax soo saarka saliidda ah oo timir ah ee dhulal-qarin kooban pyrite waxa kale oo uu go'aamiyo tayada dhaqanka farsamo gaar ahaan biyo Xeerarkii. Conditions of maamulka biyaha ku ool ah waa inay awoodaan inay xakameeyaan dheecaanku waafaqsan baahida dalagga, iyo inay awoodaan si looga hortago in ka badan baxa dheecaan oo keeni kara in lagu qayilo xad-dhaafka ah ee pyrite.
Natiijooyinka daraasadda ee South Sumatra muujinaysaa in guud ahaan, beerista oo saliid ah timireed dalka qarin oo leh noocyada ciidda sulphate acid weli la samayn karaa, laakiin iyadoo fiiro in ay dhinacyo badan oo ah: (1) si qoto dheer daaha pyrite waa in ay dubka sare ama loo siman yahay ilaa 90 cm dushiisa dhulka; iyo (2) horumarinta nidaamka maamulka biyaha ku ool ah si looga hortago in dhacdo ee lagu qayilo pyrite halka bixinta meel ku filan oo xididdada ka, yacnii in by dayactirka heerka biyaha ee heer of 70 cm dhulka ku. - Wax soo saarka ee 2007 = saarka total: Bedka guud ee TM
= 67.564.680 kg: 3564 Ha
= 18 958 kg TBS
= 18,958 tan FFB / ha / sannadkii By natiijada xisaabinta la mid ah wax soo saarka ee sano oo kale iyo natiijada waa: - Sannadka 2008 = 24.502 tan oo FFB / ha / sannadkii - Sannadka 2009 = 21.412 tan oo FFB / ha / sannadkii - Sannadka 2010 = 23.305 tan oo FFB / ha / sannadkii - Sanadkii 2011 = 22.772 tan oo FFB / ha / sannadkii Marka celceliyo, natiijada waa in karaan waa + 20 MT FFB ​​/ ha / sannadkii

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Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Vanilla plant (Vanilla planifolia Andrews)

Vanilla plant (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) is one of the herbal plants is quite high economic value. The pods of this plant are used for material fresheners, flavorings and fragrances, food, candy, ice cream, beverages and pharmaceutical products. Form of products sold podded farmers generally wet, while those sold by the exporter to international market podded dry. Indonesian vanilla in the international market, known as Java Vanilla Beans.
ituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Vanilla development area includes Sumatra, Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. While the production is central areas of North Sumatra, Lampung, West Java, East Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and South Sulawesi. Indonesian vanilla Employers in most (90%) in the form of plantations cultivated people and the rest in private estates.
Until now it has discovered 110 varieties of vanilla spread in the tropics. Some of them are in Indonesia, either cultivated or growing wild in the forests. For commercial purposes, there are only three (3) species that have economic value and Vanilla Vanilla planifolia Andrews pompana Schieda coming from Mexico, and Vanilla tahitensis JW Moore, who came from Tahiti. Commonly cultivated species is Vanilla planifolia Andrews as the highest production.
The main problem in vanilla cultivation is low productivity and stem rot disease of vanilla (BBV). To overcome these problems, we recommend using a vanilla farmers vanilla superior planting material that has been released by the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2008, the Ministry of Agriculture has released three (3) vanilla varieties are Vania 1 (Kepmentan Number 1370/Kpts/SR.120/10/2008 dated October 8, 2008), Vania 2 (Kepmentan number 1371/Kpts/SR.120 / 10/2008 dated October 8, 2008) and Vanilla Alor (Kepmentan Number 1372/Kpts/SR.120/10/2008 dated October 8, 2008).
In tests performed Agricultural Research and Development Agency in Bali, within three harvest times (2005 - 2007) Vania Vania 1 and 2 were able to produce much higher than the local clones as well as the results of the national average, which is able to produce the bunches Vania 1 on average 8.33 bunches / plant and Vania 2 slightly lower, at 7.05 bunches, while Alor Vanilla capable of producing an average of 8.67 bunches of bunches / plant. Local clones on average only 3.22 bunches yield / plant.
Vania 1 also has the longest pods average of 20.15 cm, length of Vania 2 vanilla pods were 19.25 cm and 23.01 cm Alor, the three varieties of vanilla on vanilla meet th
SenangPoker.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesiae criteria of quality standards (SNI 01-0010-2002) IA, ie the size of the intact pods minimum of 11 cm.

Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

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Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

Raising Milkfish - 2

Raising Milkfish - 2

This article is drawn from www.iptek.net.id that information is more spread out to the communities and use it to open up business opportunities , particularly effo
SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA rts towards improving economic family family , to the ideals of the nation into a prosperous and fair society .
logging only MILKFISH
Event logging only nener is a chain that aims one of which is pressed seed mortality karenan pengelondongan nener early maintenance is regarded as the most critical period . Logging only nener no longer just a sideline business in addition to the pond magnifying effort , but as a commercial venture that should be treated more seriously and carefully . Because of the nature of fishing effort nener difficult while the need or demand for milkfish increases it is expected that logging only management techniques can be developed . One method is logging only in logging only milkfish in a pond . This business is conducted in the pond is relatively small in size ( 500 -1000 m 2 ) or by sealing the pond with a period of 3 weeks - 1 month . Logging only has evolved in several regions in Indonesia, including in East Java , Tenah Java , West Java , South Sulawesi and Aceh DI . For that attempted to discuss management techniques logging only in this paper . The purpose of this paper is to inform the farmers and planters of the technique to manage logging only good nener
Site selection should consider some of the following :

Consider aspects related to spatial location as , sources of water and irrigation . Sought not so far from the shore so that the temperature of the air that is able to support the success of milkfish seed preservation effort . The water temperature in the ponds ranged between 30 -33 ° C.
Distance from the ideal location of the seed source / nener maximum of 12 hours . Travel for the transportation of consumers do not exceed 12 hours .
One of the factors that can lead to failure of banding is logging only land use competition among fellow entrepreneurs pond .
Means of transport . Smoothness means of transpo
UBCPOKER.com Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayart , especially road , plays an important role in this nener logging only . Therefore, the location of the means chosen to ensure quality traffic nener still good .
Electricity network . Means were considered in selecting the location is close to the state electricity grid ( PLN ) . But for logging only milkfish electricity needs could be replaced with other devices such as generators .