Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

Maintain carrot seed to produce fruit and seed stalks

Maintain carrot seed to produce fruit and seed stalks amount to much, or more than 3 months. Pick carrots that have been dried / old, and the sun to dry for seeds taken.

Carrot seeds were obtained from the nursery process is then rubbed with both hands so that the seeds with each other are not mutually attaches. Seeds then soake
SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA d in cold water or warm water (60 ° C) for 15 minutes. in order to speed up the germination process. Drain seeds in a container until quite dry, and carrot seeds ready to be planted.

2 Media Processing Plant
Growing media processing is done by:
- Hoeing +/- 40 cm soil depth. Land that has been hoeing is then given compost or manure as much as 15 tonnes for each hectare of land, and leveled and made ​​deep grooves +/- 1 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm between the grooves.

- Perform repeated tillage with mencangkulnya for the second time that increasingly loose soil structure. After that, make beds-sized raised bed width 120-150 cm, 30-40 cm height, length depending on the condition of the land, .and distance between beds 50-60 cm.

Ways Planting Carrots Good And Right

- If the soil pH below 5, done by sprinkling liming materials such as Dolomite lime, Calcit, or Zeagro on land evenly. Lime dose required ranged from 0.75 to 10.24 tonnes per hectare of land. Limestone that has been propagated is then mixed with the upper soil layers (top soil) and tumbled dry it flat.

- After liming, for the soil is still fertile or depleted soil
BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAs used to grow cabbage or potatoes, the next step is to flatten the surface of the beds. But for poor soil, must first be ripe manure as much as 15-20 tonnes / ha and mixed with topsoil before seedbed surface leveled.

3 Planting Techniques
Beds that have been made ​​as described above, the next in carrot seeds evenly sprinkle follow the flow / kerf available. The new carrot seeds are spread thin and then covered with soil depth of 0.5-1 cm. Create a shallow kerf so far anyway garitan- +/- 5 cm from the seed to put the base fertilizer. Fertilizers were given a mixture of ± 400 kg TSP with ± 150 kg KCl. Spread the fertilizer evenly and cover with a thin soil.

To prevent carrot seeds are not washed away by water, cover each groove with a banana leaf midrib or dried leaves for 7-10 days. This closure also serves to maintain the stability of soil moisture. The new cover can be opened after the seed carrot protruding from the ground.

4 Maintenance of Plant
In the maintenance phase, then a few things that need to be done are:
- At the 1-month-old carrot plants after planting, thinning do so can quickly grow carrot plants and fertile and gives high yields. Along with thinning, weeding doing all the weeds that grow in areas under cultivation, in order not incontestably the carrot plants obtain nutrie

Jumat, 18 Juli 2014

Cómo Coseche

Cómo Coseche
La recolección se realiza mediante el desmantelamiento del rizoma con un azadón / tenedor. Antes desmantelado, tallos y hojas removidas primero. Además rizomas que han sido desmanteladas separado del suelo y luego poner en una bolsa adherida para evitar daño JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAs.

período de cosecha
Cosecha de azafrán a cabo durante la estación seca porque la esencia / de la sustancia contenida en los mismos se acumulan. Además, el contenido de agua en los rizomas tenía poco para facilitar el proceso de secado.

Rendimiento estimado
Peso húmedo de la red de rizoma / grupos se obtuvieron del cultivo alcanza 0,71 kg. Materiales y
Evita el lavado por mucho tiempo para que la calidad y las sustancias contenidas en el rizoma insoluble transmitidas por el agua. Una vez lavado, secado cúrcuma durante dos a cinco días.

Hadi casi nunca encontrar ningún obstáculo en el cultivo de la cúrcuma. Planta cúrcuma es relativamente libre de plagas. "Sólo el problema es el tiempo", dijo Hadi.

La aplicación de abonos orgánicos se considera muy importante para el crecimiento de los rizomas. Por lo tanto, el suministro de materia orgánica hará que la tex JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAtura del suelo es bastante suelta y rizomas se vuelven mucho más grande y más rápido.

Las limitaciones que enfrentan Zulcarnean está proceso de secado. Él todavía se basa en la luz del sol. Como resultado, cuando la estación lluviosa llega, cultivos de cúrcuma en riesgo de hongo.

De hecho, para la cúrcuma que se suministra a la industria de hierbas debe estar completamente en condiciones secas. El objetivo, con el fin de sobrevivir a largo cúrcuma. "Cuando se seca, los rizomas pueden contener aproximadamente 6 meses a 12 meses. Pero si la cúrcuma fresca sólo dura un mes ", dijo.

Aunque la siembra se realiza durante la temporada de lluvias, Zulcarnean se basa en el agua de lluvia para el riego de sus tierras. Ella usa agua de pozo para riego, que se distribuye a través de las mangueras y de sumidero.
         Preparación de Semilla de cúrcuma: material de rizoma se cortó para obtener tamaño de la semilla y el peso con un uniforme y para estimar el número de brotes / rizoma. La incisión se cierra con cocina ceniza / paja o remojar los rizomas se cortan con una solución fu JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAngicida (Benlate y agrymicin) con el fin de evitar el crecimiento de moho. Cada pieza tiene un máximo de brotes de rizomas de 1-3, con un peso entre 20 a 30 gramos y la longitud de 3-7 cm.

Selasa, 15 Juli 2014

Control is done with PESTONA dose of 5-10 cc

Control is done with PESTONA dose of 5-10 cc / liter (the fruit affected), the first day of spray stadia imago, the 7th day is done restating the eggs and on the 17th made to the surviving nymphs, so that truly effective control , field sanitation, disposal of infected fruit.

BOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA    Cacao Mot (Fruit Moth), Acrocercops cranerella (Family; Lithocolletidae)
Attacked by a great young fruit, pale yellow, the seeds in the fruit can not inflate and sticky. Control: environmental sanitation gardens, fruit brown envelop with plastic bag bottom remains open (kondomisasi), release of natural enemies of black ants and the fungus Beauveria bassiana antagonist (BVR) by spraying, spray with PESTONA.

Fruit rot disease (Phytopthora palmivora),
Symptoms of tip of fruit or fruit base brownish fruit appears which has large and small pieces will instantly die. Control: throw fruit attacked and burned, regular pruning, spray with Natural GLIO.

Mushroom policeman (Upasia salmonicolor)
Attack the trunk and branches. Control: scrape and rub the stem or branch fell ill with Natural GLIO + HORMONIK, regular pruning, cut and burned attacks continue.
Pruning is aimed at the establishment of a branch of a balanced and good vegetative growth. Protective tree trimming is also done so that the branching and the leaves grow tall and good.
Trimming there are several kin Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayads:

Prune Forms, do the age of 1 year after primary branches arise (jorquet) or until the age of 2 years with 3 branches leaving a good primer and located symmetrically.
Crop Maintenance, aimed at reducing excessive vegetative growth by removing water shoots (wiwilan) on the main stem or branch.
Crop Production, intended for light to enter but not directly so that the flowers can be formed. Depending on the circumstances of this crop and the season, so there is a heavy pruning in the rainy season and light pruning during the dry season.
Restoration prune, cut off the damaged part of the plant and maintain the water shoots or can be done by budding side.
When picking prepare rorak-rorak and coordination plucking. Plucking is done on ripe fruit but not too ripe. Cut the stem of the fruit with the remaining third part of the fruit stalk. Plucking up the base of the fruit will damage the bearing flowers that flower formation is interrupted and if this is done continuously, the fruit production will decrease. Fruit is picked aged 5.5 to 6 months of flowering, yellow or red. Fruit that has be
SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA en picked and put in a sack near rorak collected. Plucking is done in the morning and during the day solving. Solving the stone fruit with a banged up broke. Then the seeds are removed and put in a sack, was included in rorak leather available.

Senin, 07 Juli 2014

El pez carpa es la forma más fácil

El pez carpa es la forma más fácil y dar perawatanya pakanyapun no gastar tanto capital como otros peces, y el precio de venta era caro,JAGADPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA pero no es como el pez guramih otros peces que pueden pescar de forma rápida, pescado guramih panenya era bastante larga, pero aquí oportunidades reales de negocio de inversión y pemasaranya hasilnya.sistem demostrado también mudah.ikan carpa muy culto Soluciones Carp Fish Farming Success
Como el cultivo de la carpa no es difícil y keuntunganyapun enormes promesas, la mayoría de las personas experimentan una falla en porque:

No en el aviso de ajuste de la piscina
/ Nuevos jugadores principiantes tendrán prisa grandes resultados sin tener en cuenta los riesgos
Una erupción de la información como de qué manera el cultivo Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di IndonesiaLa clave es crear un entorno lo más cómodo posible agua de la piscina para adaptar la forma:

Tierra Fertilización
Preparación de la semilla inicial peces carpa ganadera
Cómo Carpa Land Care Fish

Seque la piscina antes de nadar en el contenido de agua
Espolvoree sal Grasak para erradicar el moho mientras se seca la charca
Suelo Gemburkan antes del contenido de agua del suelo cuando un
Cómo Carpa del terreno Fertilización Fish

Estiércol Jemurlah que ha sido fermentado utilizando cinta líquido levadura y el azúcar
Después de 2 días de secado de fertilizantes para el saco
Después del saqueo de fertilizantes en el uso de los agujeros de los clavos en el saco
Una vez en los agujeros y luego AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAentrar en la piscina, en las piedras de balasto determinado
Llenar de agua hasta una altura de 50 cm y fertilizantes UREA dan una cucharada en la piscina
Deje que el agua durante 4 días antes de la siembra

Kamis, 03 Juli 2014

Indeed, this kind of business as very cheap at all

Indeed, this kind of business as very cheap at all costs. Said to be cheap, because you do not need capital to rent a shop. Utilizing the house itself is the main capital. If you want to open stores larger pulse counter, you can take advantage of the very front of your hoSARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAuse, if the model is like a shop. You either remodeling or not, you certainly can use it to sell mobile-phone pulse and new. Or even, you can also open a mobile service and repair services. Estimated cost, if only the opening pulse counter, then the funds needed about 2 million just to buy a small steling. If you open a business selling cell phone plus pulse counter, then the estimate of capital around 3-4 million. Type of business like this is not going to spend a lot of capital and arguably will never die. Because everyone needs a pulse. As long as the phone is still the primary means of communication, such efforts will continue to evolve and advance.
5. Sell Stationery Office If your home is located near a school, college or office, then opened a business matching is selling office stationery. Stationery in question are pens, pencils, notebooks, and all the things that needed work or school. You do not need to spend a large capital. Simply having steling and tools that want to lent. If you have a little more capital, you can also purchase a copy machine. In case you are not sufficient capital to purchase a new copier, you can buy half-life (second) or can also rent a copier. Or even, you could buy a copy machine on credit. Due to the existence of a copier with office stationery highly correlated. With the copy machine, a lot of people who can spend together. While memoto copy, he can also buy stationery needs. If you open this business in your own home, t
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014hen you do not need to be concerned about the cost of the rental store. All you think about is the cost of equipment and office stationery copier. Estimated capital needed around 3 millions, without a photo copy machine. If you buy a copy machine as well with office stationery then the capital you need about 10 million. Because the price of its standard copier range of 7-8 million.

6. LAUNDRY The laundry business seriously if you are working with, can be a promising venture. So here you have to be cool place [erhitungkan customer needs. By providing low prices, fast service and clean are the tips to find customers. If I need to do a survey to some washing business Gated home or ask for a brochure that know market value. If you intend to memperlua effort, you too can begin to apply leasing system, including washing, drying, and ironing. The goal is that customers feel right at home and could control the outcome of the washing respectively. Here you can set a rental price of Rp.5000 per hour, outdoor clothing detergents and fragrances they can get their own, Arau was bought at your place. Although easy in this business to do, a few important things to note. Location To start this business site selection is not so important and y
JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya ou can do it at home sehi guns do not need to pay rent. The important thing you need to aggressively promote so people will know where we opened the business.