Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

form the base of the brittle, high 2-3 (-8) m, the base of the stem is short, heavy percabangannya. Single leaf, criss-cross, round

form the base of the brittle, high 2-3 (-8) m, the base of the stem is short, heavy percabangannya. Single leaf, criss-cross, round egg shape to heart shape, size (10-35) cm x (4-20) cm, flat edges, fluffy, peruratannya prominent, acute and short-toed, usually the leaves are almost at the end of the shoot, a smell like beef pole; Agen Bola petiole 7-10 cm long. Flowers are in small networks in leaf axils near the ends of branches, pink to light blue, fragrant, diameter of about 1 cm, the parts of the flower diversity in five; A bell-shaped corolla, bercuping five; 5 stamen thread, right in front of corolla, head sari hidden in conifers against the bud; will bear fruit two, with many potential seeds, small putiknya head. Species Chypomandra Betaceae (Cavaniles) Sandtner. The commodity is a good or a surrogate monohulture pursued sari. Commodity market prospects for mensuplai hotel needs. Indeed, this plant include garden plants and newly developed are limited welcome drink in Tana Toraja. Tamarillo can be consumed in the form of fresh juice and jam. Commodities are much loved by tourists and domestic mancanegara, because many contain vitamins.

Growing Conditions
A. Land
Good plant height in the area, loose and fertile
B. Climate
Tamarillo can grow at a height of 800-2800 meters above sea level areas, with average rainfall and temperature 20oC 155m.

Seeds taken as seeds are selected from mature fruit (ripe) and dried until dry and then sown in a seedbed is prepared in advance which is mixed with sand
Judi Online and manure then arranged and provided seeds to crop protection hrlai 2-3, then transferred to a polybag. After 2-3 months can be transferred to the airport.

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